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by Stan Coffey

Scripture: MATTHEW 11:28-30
This content is part of a series.

The Pathway to Recovery (3 of 8)
Letting Go And Letting God Have Your Hurts
Stan Coffey
Matthew 11:28-30

I want you to take your Bible this morning for our message and turn to Matthew 11:28-30, one of the greatest words of Jesus. And today we are on “The Pathway To Recovery.” This is the third step or the third message in this series of eight messages on the pathway to recovery. All of us are in a process of recovery because we have all blown it; we have all sinned, come short of the glory of God. We have hang-ups and habits and things in our life we would like to change. And so the Bible tells us that God loves us, we matter to God and God is interested in making us the person that He wants us to be. Making those changes in our life that really set us free to realize our full potential in life.

A man was driving a pet store truck. He was delivering wholesale some canaries to a pet store. And as he drove down the road ever once in a while, every few blocks, he would stop. He would get out and get a 2x4 and he would beat on the side of the truck. He did that 3 or 4 times and a man behind was very curious as to why he was doing that. So the man stopped him when he got out to beat on the truck and he said, man why in the world are you stopping every few blocks and beating on your truck that way? He said, well, I tell you why, this is a two-ton truck. And I have four tons of canaries on board, so I have to stop every little bit to keep half of them in the air!

And you know that is the way we are in life so many times. It just seems like in life we just get going and we have to stop because we are up in the air, things aren’t settled, things are confused. And we have to keep it going all the time in our own energy and our own strength. And as you well know, that is why there are so many people over burdened and under stress. And stress is taking its toil on our society. And so many people who feel their life is like that. That eve ...

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