by Stan Coffey
Scripture: ROMANS 12:1-2
This content is part of a series.
The Pathway to Recovery (5 of 8)
How to Make Positive Changes
Stan Coffey
Romans 12:1-2
I pray that the Lord will bless our hearts as we continue to study "The Pathway To Recovery." And today we are looking at part 5 on "How To Make Positive Changes In Your Life." And no matter who you are or how long you have been a Christian, you have never come to the point in your life that you do not need to grow. And if you ever come to the point when you feel that you don't need to grow, there is nothing in your life hat you need to change, then probably there are a lot of things that you are just not aware of that you need to ask the Lord to help make you aware of, because the Bible says that God wants us to grow until we reach the stature in the measure of the stature of Christ, the fullness of Christ. And I don't know anybody who has reached that. So tonight we are going to talk about how to make positive changes.
Turn if you will to Romans 12:1-2. The apostle Paul has been talking about the marvelous way that God saves us and the way Christ comes into your life by grace, it is a gift of God. Then he comes to chapter 12 and says I beseech you therefore. And when you see therefore, you need to ask the question in Bible hermeneutics what is the "therefore" there for? And it means, what preceded this? Because of what has preceded this particular chapter.
Then he goes on to describe the spiritual gifts that are motivational in nature. And he says that all of us have different gifts but we are one body in Christ and every one of us are members of one another. And that is what Christian growth is all about. It is not just growth and isolation. And it is not just I want to get over my hang-ups that keep me from being what God wants me to be so that I can have a better life for me, but I want to overcome my hang-ups and habits and problems that detract from Christ in my life so that I can also be a minister to you. And so that you and I can minister ...
How to Make Positive Changes
Stan Coffey
Romans 12:1-2
I pray that the Lord will bless our hearts as we continue to study "The Pathway To Recovery." And today we are looking at part 5 on "How To Make Positive Changes In Your Life." And no matter who you are or how long you have been a Christian, you have never come to the point in your life that you do not need to grow. And if you ever come to the point when you feel that you don't need to grow, there is nothing in your life hat you need to change, then probably there are a lot of things that you are just not aware of that you need to ask the Lord to help make you aware of, because the Bible says that God wants us to grow until we reach the stature in the measure of the stature of Christ, the fullness of Christ. And I don't know anybody who has reached that. So tonight we are going to talk about how to make positive changes.
Turn if you will to Romans 12:1-2. The apostle Paul has been talking about the marvelous way that God saves us and the way Christ comes into your life by grace, it is a gift of God. Then he comes to chapter 12 and says I beseech you therefore. And when you see therefore, you need to ask the question in Bible hermeneutics what is the "therefore" there for? And it means, what preceded this? Because of what has preceded this particular chapter.
Then he goes on to describe the spiritual gifts that are motivational in nature. And he says that all of us have different gifts but we are one body in Christ and every one of us are members of one another. And that is what Christian growth is all about. It is not just growth and isolation. And it is not just I want to get over my hang-ups that keep me from being what God wants me to be so that I can have a better life for me, but I want to overcome my hang-ups and habits and problems that detract from Christ in my life so that I can also be a minister to you. And so that you and I can minister ...
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