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by Jesse Hendley

Scripture: HEBREWS 10:7
This content is part of a series.

His Miraculous Life (3 of 6)
Jesus Series
Jesse M. Hendley
Hebrews 10:7

Turn with me to the Gospel of Luke, chapter 4, verse 16. We are thinking tonight about the perfect life. The only perfect life that has ever been lived on this earth, the miraculous life of the Lord Jesus. His atoning death depended upon His perfect life. The lamb, in the Old Testament, had to be unblemished before it could be offered in sacrifice, and our blessed Lord in His life was unblemished. We have talked about His pre-incarnate glory and heavenly life, His greatness as creator of this entire universe, His incarnation as He came down to be born into this world, His atoning death and now tonight His miraculous perfect, unblemished life. The life of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I made a study for a year, the greatest study this mind has ever made in the Gospel of John. I spent one year. Somebody has called the Gospel of John the greatest book in the world, I believe it is. If you can master anything, and you can't master it, but try, try to master the Gospel of John. The greatest book in the world. All you need to know, really, the heart of the whole deal is in the Gospel of John. And there are two things that emerged from that. One of them is Christ' immense reverence of the Word of God.

We've got a debate going on all over the country today about God's Word. People have this label and that label and the other label. If I could stand before every Christian in the world, every preacher in the world, if I had that possibility for just five minutes here's what I'd say, to every Christian and every creature. I'd say, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I have spent one year in the Gospel of John. The life, the unblemished life of the Son of God and there are two things that emerged out of that study that towers over all the others. Number one was His immense reverence for the Word of God, for the Bible. Our Lord Jesus actually said I am not giving you my word, I am giving you my ...

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