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by Jesse Hendley

Scripture: PSALM 19:12
This content is part of a series.

Who Can Understand His Errors? (1 of 2)
Jesse M. Hendley
Psalm 19:12

If you have Bibles, friends, I would like for you to turn with me to Psalm 19, verse 12. This is one of the great Psalms of the Bible. For a long time I have had a desire to journey through a great portion of the Psalms with you friends. It is a wonderful study. In the Psalms we have every expression of emotion and trial and victory, and, well, it just runs the whole scale of man's walk with God in this present world. It is such a blessing to know the Psalms. They have been a blessing down through the years to God's people and they are today.

In verse 1 of Psalm 19, the Psalmist reminds us that the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork. He is telling us that wholly apart from a preacher, the whole creation of God is constantly preaching about the one true and living God. Paul says in Romans 1 that the heathen worship idols but they are without excuse because THE HEAVENS declare the glory of the true and living God. For people to worship many gods, or ANY god other than the true and living God, is SIN wholly apart from whether they have ever heard about Jesus and the Gospel as we know it. Men should worship the true and living God because the whole CREATION proclaims HIM in His great glory.

In verse 7 the Psalmist writes of the Law of the Lord, which is perfect and has power to convert the soul. We are living in days when men will bow and scrape before the laws of men but will not heed the Laws of God. There is a Higher Law, friends, than the law of man. There are laws more important than those which men bring to pass and impose upon men. A man had better check up on what GOD has to say, in His Word!

In verse 9 he says, "The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever." The "fear" of the Lord in the Old Testament carries with it the thought of the Divine Worship of God, the true worship of God. The fear of the Lord carries with it the awe, the hono ...

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