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by Kenneth Boa

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Prayer (2 of 6)
Dr. Ken Boa

This morning I am going to try to give you ten reasons for prayer. And if I can persuade you to see even two out of these ten reasons are in fact true, I am hoping that I will persuade you to make the investment of more time in prayer. Prayer is an investment; it is an investment in a relationship, and the problem in this relationship is that you don't see the one you are talking to. Not yet, but you will. And the idea here is that we are called to be people who respond to God, and to treat Him and the invisible as really being more fundamental, and more real than that which is currently seen.

God tells us that the visible things are going to be disappearing, and the things that are unseen are the things that will endure. We know that the visible things, for example like our body, are going to disappear, but that thing inside us, our spirit and soul, this will endure. This is the biblical hope, that we are people who are not mortal, but immortal, and that we have a destiny in which this spirit, this soul in us, will be associated with a new and glorified resurrected body, and that we will become like Christ. But in the meanwhile, we are called to walk by faith, and not by sight. It is not blind faith, though. It is faith in the reality of the resurrected Christ and all that He has accomplished.

The first of the reasons that I want to give you for pursuing this invisible relationship is that of fellowship. The key in prayer is cultivating a relationship, a personal relationship, with the Living God. And that, really, is what fellowship is all about. God desires our fellowship with Him through prayer. I am going to give you just a bunch of verses, and I will look them up rather than you flipping back and forth. Psalm 116, verse one to two is one that comes to mind here, and it says, "I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my supplications because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I shall call upon H ...

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