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by Jesse Hendley

Scripture: 2 Samuel 7

God's Covenant with David
Jesse M. Hendley
2 Samuel 7

Now my friends, if you have your Bibles turn with me to II Samuel 7, and today we are studying about God's covenant with David. God's word to David, God's promise to David in the form of a real covenant and isn't it wonderful to know that God makes statements to men and gives them great promises that are unconditional and that God will fulfill His promises.

Now, David was a tremendous man, a man that lived very, very close to God. A lot of people don't know anything except the one blemish on the life of David. I am so glad that God doesn't just look at one part of a man's life or a woman's life, He looks at all of our life-the sum total of our life. David had a blemish on his life but in the main, this man loved God as few men ever loved God. He proved it by his life and because he did God made a covenant with David. It is a wonderful thing; this is the grace of God. Oh my, the wonderful grace of God that He forgives sin, that he forgives heinous sin when we repent, and makes promises to men that He will fulfill and God will do it.

Let us look at this promise, I just say this to emphasize God's grace because everyone of us have to come face to face with our sins and the devil tries to condemn us because of it all, and our own hearts strike to condemn us but may I remind you this promise of God of a glorious future to David was made to a man who had a tremendous blemish on his life and a great sin came into his life and yet God forgave him his sin when he repented of it in deep sorrow and the Lord restored David and God made a promise to him of an eternal covenant that shall never pass away, a wonderful statement God made.

Now let us look at it for a moment: II Samuel 7:12, and when thy days (God says to this man) be fulfilled and thou shall sleep with thy fathers I will set up thy seed after thee which shall proceed out of thou bowels and I will establish his kingdom; that is a promise of a son ...

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