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by Stan Coffey

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Motives For Madness (14 of 18)
Dr. Stan Coffey
Romans 3:10-18


At this particular time, we know that Iraq is in the news every single week. In the bible, Babylon is the term that is modern day Iraq. We have learned that there are two great countries listed in the bible that are also in the news today, one is Israel and the other is Iraq. Israel in the bible is Israel, but Iraq in the bible is known as Babylon. These nations go back to the very beginnings of time. We learned what is happening today that the bible predicted and that is the resurrection of the old kingdom of Babylon. The bible says that Babylon would be resurrected in the last days. Now we have America actually being involved in restoring the nation of Iraq, rebuilding the nation of Iraq, assisting Iraq in what may be the beginning of the restoration of a free people in Iraq. An unprecedented event in history in the Middle East. If our attempt is successful, establishing a democracy in the Middle East that can flourish economically and socially. It would be an event that has never taken place in that part of the world in all of world history. Of course, every week the opposition of the terrorists freedom to what the United States is trying to do is paramount in the news every single day.

We looked at why the terrorists do what they do, how they are motivated. And we looked at the radical Islamic terrorists and what motivates the radical Islamic terrorists and what they believe and how their belief system motivates them to hate freedom and hate the United States of America. And why they want to take as many American lives as they can, why they are infiltrating Iraq from all of the Arab nations round about Iraq. They now are coming in from the borders of Iraq, coming in from every side of Iraq, infiltrating Iraq and helping the Baffles party in Iraq to oppose the United States and do all of these bombings, these suicide bombings, an ...

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