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by Clarence E. Macartney

Scripture: NUMBERS 12:7
This content is part of a series.

The Greatest Men of the Bible (3 of 15)
Moses-The Man of Three Mountains
Clarence E. Macartney
Numbers 12:7

And so faithful through his long life that God said He would not speak to Moses in the usual manner of revelation, through dark speeches, but mouth to mouth and face-to-face.

That is always the way in which the Bible refers to Moses. Always he is the "servant of the Lord," the man who does God's will. We can follow Moses further than almost any character of the Bible. We know his story from the river cradle to that solitary grave where God buried him on Nebo's lonely mountain. Wherever we see him or hear him through those 120 years of his life, he is the "servant of the Lord."

The three most influential men of the Bible, influential because of the importance and result of what they established and did in their day and generation, are Abraham, Moses, and Paul. These are the three towering mountain peaks of biblical biography. The Jews were not content with the sublime record in the Book of Deuteronomy that tells us of the death of Moses on Pisgah and Nebo. They felt that Moses was so great in soul and intellect and the work that he had accomplished so inestimable in importance, that they tried to add something to the splendor of that solitary entombment on Mount Nebo.

According to the old legend, God commanded the supreme angels to take away the soul of Moses. The first of these was the angel Zangiel who had been the instructor and teacher of Moses. But this angel pleaded to be released from that commission because Moses had been his disciple. Then the angel of death was called forth and, always eager for his melancholy triumph, drew his sword and approached Moses. But when he saw the Ineffable name inscribed on the rod of Moses and the wonderful luster on his countenance, he turned away in fear. As he did so, a voice sounded from heaven speaking to Moses, "Contend not; thy life lasteth only a short moment."


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