Scripture: DANIEL 3:18
This content is part of a series.
The Greatest Words in the Bible and in Human Speech
The Hardest Word (4 of 15)
Clarence E. Macartney
Daniel 3:18
What is the hardest word, in the Bible or out of it?
What is the word that is the most difficult of all
words to pronounce? Some thought that word was duty,
and duty is indeed a hard word. Some thought that it
was repent, and man does find it very hard to repent.
Others surmised that it was hate, and others hell, and
still others death. Some voted that yes is the hardest
of all words. One boy put down stone!
But none of these is the hardest word. What is that
word, one of the shortest, and yet one with the
longest echo of all words? What is the word, the lack
of which set the world on the wrong track from the
beginning? What is the word by pronouncing which
prophets and apostles became great? What is this word
which lays a foundation upon which to build character?
What is the word by the power of which kingdoms and
empires have been won, and for the lack of which they
have been lost? What is the word which has secured
happiness and a bright destiny for men, and the lack
of which has condemned them unto failure, penury, and
woe? What is the word that in the great crisis of his
life Jesus Christ pronounced and thereby conquered
Satan and became our Redeemer? That word, the hardest
in the Bible or out of it, the hardest in English,
French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew,
Egyptian, is the short but mighty word no. That was
what the three Hebrew lads said to Nebuchadnezzar when
he commanded them to bow down to his golden image and
threatened them with the fiery furnace if they did
not. They answered, "No! We will not"-Daniel 3:18.
Some time ago the editor of one of our magazines which
specializes in word study asked a small number of
distinguished writers to answer the following
1. What word to you in English seems the most
beautiful in sound?
2. What English wo ...
The Hardest Word (4 of 15)
Clarence E. Macartney
Daniel 3:18
What is the hardest word, in the Bible or out of it?
What is the word that is the most difficult of all
words to pronounce? Some thought that word was duty,
and duty is indeed a hard word. Some thought that it
was repent, and man does find it very hard to repent.
Others surmised that it was hate, and others hell, and
still others death. Some voted that yes is the hardest
of all words. One boy put down stone!
But none of these is the hardest word. What is that
word, one of the shortest, and yet one with the
longest echo of all words? What is the word, the lack
of which set the world on the wrong track from the
beginning? What is the word by pronouncing which
prophets and apostles became great? What is this word
which lays a foundation upon which to build character?
What is the word by the power of which kingdoms and
empires have been won, and for the lack of which they
have been lost? What is the word which has secured
happiness and a bright destiny for men, and the lack
of which has condemned them unto failure, penury, and
woe? What is the word that in the great crisis of his
life Jesus Christ pronounced and thereby conquered
Satan and became our Redeemer? That word, the hardest
in the Bible or out of it, the hardest in English,
French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew,
Egyptian, is the short but mighty word no. That was
what the three Hebrew lads said to Nebuchadnezzar when
he commanded them to bow down to his golden image and
threatened them with the fiery furnace if they did
not. They answered, "No! We will not"-Daniel 3:18.
Some time ago the editor of one of our magazines which
specializes in word study asked a small number of
distinguished writers to answer the following
1. What word to you in English seems the most
beautiful in sound?
2. What English wo ...
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