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by George H. Morrison

Scripture: REVELATION 3:20

He Knocks
George H. Morrison
Revelation 3:20

We are all familiar with the picture by a well-known artist which portrays Christ standing at the door.1 It is one of the few pictures on a text of Scripture which have caught the imagination of the people. We see the door hanging on rusty hinges, and covered with the trailing growth of years. And we see Christ, clad in His kingly robes, out in the dew and darkness of the night. And in the one hand He bears a lighted lamp whose rays are penetrating through the chinks and crevices, and with the other He is knocking at the door. You know the title the artist gave that picture. He did not call it "Christ knocking at the door." He called it-and there is spiritual genius in the title-he called it, "I am the light of the world." For him the wonder of it all was this, that the light which is life and blessedness and victory should be so near the door of every heart.

And after all, when you come to think of it, that is the most wonderful thing about this text. It is not the knocking at the closed door; it is the overwhelming thought of Him who knocks. Were it some emperor, whose word is law to millions, it would be sufficiently awful and impressive. Were it some angel, as he who came to Abraham, it would be a very memorable visitant. But when a man goes apart into some silent place, and thinks that knocking at his heart is Christ, I tell you it thrills him to the very depths. Not Jesus, who walked amid the fields of Galilee. He is no longer walking amid the fields of Galilee. He is no longer rejected and despised, homeless, with no shelter for His head. He is the risen Christ, exalted to the heavens, invested with all the authority of glory, and yet behold He stands at the door and knocks. At the door of your heart, my brother and my sister. At the door of your heart this very Sabbath evening. You know what passions and what sins are knocking there, clamorous, urgent, eager to get in. And amid them all-that horrid, clamo ...

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