It's A Choice (11 of 26)
Fred Lowery
Happiness is a Choice
I heard about a father who told his little boy several times to sit down in his chair at the table. Finally, at the threat of a spanking, the little boy reluctantly sat down. After a few moments of pouting silence, he said, ''I may be sitting down on the outside, but I'm standing up on the inside.'' Interestingly, for all the disappointment and disitlusion we have experienced with the outside, we never seem to look inside for the answers we seek. Without knowing it, that little boy was enunciating a life principle which must be understood in order to build a happy itfe. Ttie priricip-'Le is that regardlaas of i@ happening on the outside of our lives, we are free to choose how we respond on the inside.
Unfortunately, -this is a good news and bad news situation. The dood news is that you can choose how vou respond to what life hands you and that means you can choose happiness redardless of circumstances. You may not be able to control what happens to you, but you can control liow vou respond to what happens. The bad news is that it is possible to deny or hide your internal response and outwardly pretend all is welt when it is not. We tend to do this when we feet insecure and when we are trying to perform or live up to the standards or opinions of other people. The problem is that when what we are feeling on the inside and what we are expressing on the outside does not match, we experience a dreat deal of inner turbulence, frustration, and unhappiness. Stuffing, hiding, or ma.sking feelings will never lead to happiness. It is very important for our inner and outer feelings to match. It is incumbent upon us to behonest with ourselves before we can be honest and open with others.
Happi,ness is an inside job and it is unrealistic to expect to find it anywhere else. Nobody can force you to be happy or unhappy. Your wife or husband can't, your kids can't, your boss cati't, the devil can't and God won ...
Fred Lowery
Happiness is a Choice
I heard about a father who told his little boy several times to sit down in his chair at the table. Finally, at the threat of a spanking, the little boy reluctantly sat down. After a few moments of pouting silence, he said, ''I may be sitting down on the outside, but I'm standing up on the inside.'' Interestingly, for all the disappointment and disitlusion we have experienced with the outside, we never seem to look inside for the answers we seek. Without knowing it, that little boy was enunciating a life principle which must be understood in order to build a happy itfe. Ttie priricip-'Le is that regardlaas of i@ happening on the outside of our lives, we are free to choose how we respond on the inside.
Unfortunately, -this is a good news and bad news situation. The dood news is that you can choose how vou respond to what life hands you and that means you can choose happiness redardless of circumstances. You may not be able to control what happens to you, but you can control liow vou respond to what happens. The bad news is that it is possible to deny or hide your internal response and outwardly pretend all is welt when it is not. We tend to do this when we feet insecure and when we are trying to perform or live up to the standards or opinions of other people. The problem is that when what we are feeling on the inside and what we are expressing on the outside does not match, we experience a dreat deal of inner turbulence, frustration, and unhappiness. Stuffing, hiding, or ma.sking feelings will never lead to happiness. It is very important for our inner and outer feelings to match. It is incumbent upon us to behonest with ourselves before we can be honest and open with others.
Happi,ness is an inside job and it is unrealistic to expect to find it anywhere else. Nobody can force you to be happy or unhappy. Your wife or husband can't, your kids can't, your boss cati't, the devil can't and God won ...
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