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by Fred Lowery

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Accept Reality (5 of 26)
Fred Lowery

I love the story about a guy named George who is the owner of an apartment building. He was doing some brick work on the second floor and had some bricks left over. Trying to figure out the best way to get the bricks back on the ground, he spotted a 55 gallon drum and knew that would do it.

He attached a pulley to the eave of the second floor. He got some rope, tied it around the barrel, and using the pulley, he was able to pull the barrel up to the second floor level. He then tied the rope to a tree and went upstairs and filled the barrel with the bricks. Returning downstairs, he untied the rope from the tree, forgetting that the bricks weighed four times his own weight. So the bricks come down and George goes up, but not without colliding with the bricks as they pass in mi'd-air, injuring his shoulder, hip and kneecap. He then bangs his head against the pulley and cracks his skull. Then the barrel of bricks hits the ground so hard that the bottom falls out of the barrel. Now the barrel weighs less than George, so George comes down and the barrel goes up, colliding again in mid-air breaking his nose and crushing the other side of his body. George lands on the pile of bricks, yells to the top of his voice, and lets go of the rope. Now the barrel weighs more than the rope and it comes down and lands on top of George to finish the job. Next, we find George lying in the hospital trying to decide if he should submit one accident report or five? In one way or another, each one of us can identify with this humorous story. Jixst when w@ tihirik we've got oar barrel full, our act together, the bottom falls out. We've all been there.

Recently I saw a sign in the window of a Seven Eleven store that had the following ad:

Lost Dog with 3 legs, blind in left eye Missing right ear, tail broken and recently castrated. Answers to the name of ''Lucky''.

Often We Bring Problems on Ourselves

Someone has said that if you ...

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