by Fred Lowery
Prayer Partners
Fred Lowery
You know you may be shocked at this but many times when people ask me to pray for them I wonder how if they have even prayed for themselves. Sometimes I get the feeling when we ask somebody to pray for us we are just making conversation. It seems that people talk to everybody else before they ever talk to God. God is last resort when he ought to be first choice. People will confront me with a problem and I will say have you prayed about it. They looked at me to say as what is your problem? What do you mean have I prayed about it? I am trying to work it out. When the first thing we ought to do. You see true wisdom comes from God. And we need in this world today, we need divine wisdom. Prayer is the most over praisedand underused resource available to the Christian. Everybody is high on prayer. We just don't pray. All of the surveys tell you that we believe in prayer and we kind of treat prayer as a good luck charm or magic, something like that. It is big. None of want to go without prayer and yet we don't really pray. Not really pray. So it is over praise, we talk about the value of prayer and we can't get along without prayer and yet we do very little praying. We make time with the outer man but we don't make time for the inner man.
We always have time for the outerman. You see people say to me, the reason I don't pray it is just too hectic, its too busy. I just don't have the time. It is amazing how we find time to eat. Some just find a lot of time to eat. We find time to shave. Women, how do you find time to do makeup? And don't get me wrong I am for make up. Be as kind to us as you can. Get all the help you can get. I have seen absolute miracles. I am not against makeup. And if it takes you two hours before you come out. That is fine. But what if women prayed as much as two hours, an hour to get ready for you go out and see somebody. What if you spend an hour to two hours with God before you saw anybody. would c ...
Fred Lowery
You know you may be shocked at this but many times when people ask me to pray for them I wonder how if they have even prayed for themselves. Sometimes I get the feeling when we ask somebody to pray for us we are just making conversation. It seems that people talk to everybody else before they ever talk to God. God is last resort when he ought to be first choice. People will confront me with a problem and I will say have you prayed about it. They looked at me to say as what is your problem? What do you mean have I prayed about it? I am trying to work it out. When the first thing we ought to do. You see true wisdom comes from God. And we need in this world today, we need divine wisdom. Prayer is the most over praisedand underused resource available to the Christian. Everybody is high on prayer. We just don't pray. All of the surveys tell you that we believe in prayer and we kind of treat prayer as a good luck charm or magic, something like that. It is big. None of want to go without prayer and yet we don't really pray. Not really pray. So it is over praise, we talk about the value of prayer and we can't get along without prayer and yet we do very little praying. We make time with the outer man but we don't make time for the inner man.
We always have time for the outerman. You see people say to me, the reason I don't pray it is just too hectic, its too busy. I just don't have the time. It is amazing how we find time to eat. Some just find a lot of time to eat. We find time to shave. Women, how do you find time to do makeup? And don't get me wrong I am for make up. Be as kind to us as you can. Get all the help you can get. I have seen absolute miracles. I am not against makeup. And if it takes you two hours before you come out. That is fine. But what if women prayed as much as two hours, an hour to get ready for you go out and see somebody. What if you spend an hour to two hours with God before you saw anybody. would c ...
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