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by Fred Lowery

Strength In Gentleness
Fred Lowery

We don't have to be preoccupied with protecting our rights or trying to control because our Lord enables us to inherit the earth or literally to inherit whatever we need. God has promised to provide. The greedy grab and loose. The gentle inherit and gain. Really there are only two classes on this earth. The greedy, those who are trying to grab everything they can get and eventually they loose. The Bible says what if you gain the whole world and loose your own soul or the gentle, those who inherit the earth. This week one of the Supreme Court Justices eulogized and buried perhaps one of the most liberal men to ever lead in America.

And to listen to all the reports and I caught excerpts from the funeral. You would certainly think this man was a saint of God. But you see I am not liberal and I believe his emphasis on individual rights took us to the extreme in this country. We have emphasized rights and not responsibility. With every right comes a responsibility. We need to understand that the Bible does not talk about demanding rights. It talks about giving up rights and dyeing to self.

A cartoon had a picture of a doctor holding up a baby by his feet but instead of the baby crying the baby was screaming angrily, I want a lawyer! That is our world isn't it. Even now children can sue parents. Did you see the story in the paper just a couple of weeks ago where a guy broke into a home and stole a color television set just so he could watch the Cowboy playoff game. And then the next week he went back and broke into the same house to just get the remote control and they caught him when he was going back in for the remote control. Greedy fellow wasn't it. Let's talk about the Cowboys, now that you brought it up. Sure I am pulling for the Cowboys, you are not surprised at that. For many years I was an avid fan of the Cowboys. Then I became a prayer partner. Now we have seen some victories, but I pull for the Cowboys only half ...

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