by Fred Lowery
Scripture: I JOHN 5:7, JAMES 1:2
This content is part of a series.
Facing Impossibilities
Dr. Fred Lowery
Today I want to talk about facing impossibilities. Have you heard words like this before? There is no way. This won't work. It's impossible. I can't do it. I can't handle it. I can't keep going. I'm not gonna make it. Those words sound familiar to anybody? They are the words of defeat and pessimism and yet they are words that all of us do battle with from time to time. Some of you are facing a situation right now that you think is humanly impossible. From your standpoint, it is humanly impossible for you to handle. My friend, this message is specifically for you. I don't know who you are. I don't know what impossible situation you are facing right now. Perhaps it's a financial problem. Maybe it's a marriage problem that seems to be an impossibility.
Maybe it's some responsibility, some pressure that's coming against your life. Maybe some debilitating illness. Some incurable disease. I don't know what your impossible situation is, but I want to try to help you face those impossible situations that come to us. Perhaps it's something that has come upon you suddenly or abruptly because that's how they come many times.
Maybe during the night. Or perhaps it's something you've dealt with for weeks or months or even years and now after years of dealing with the same thing, you feel that heavy burden, the evolution of time has made it so difficult that you simply find it unbearable. Impossibilities. Webster says something that's hopeless, something that is incapable of being dealt with, something that is insuperably difficult. Listen to me. Whatever appears insurmountable, whatever seems totally impossible to you, is not beyond the Lord's reach. In fact, you can't mix omnipotence and impossibility. It's like oil and water. You can't put an all-powerful God on one side and try to mix that with impossible situations on the human side - it won't work.
For you to believe your situation is impossible, you have to have a th ...
Dr. Fred Lowery
Today I want to talk about facing impossibilities. Have you heard words like this before? There is no way. This won't work. It's impossible. I can't do it. I can't handle it. I can't keep going. I'm not gonna make it. Those words sound familiar to anybody? They are the words of defeat and pessimism and yet they are words that all of us do battle with from time to time. Some of you are facing a situation right now that you think is humanly impossible. From your standpoint, it is humanly impossible for you to handle. My friend, this message is specifically for you. I don't know who you are. I don't know what impossible situation you are facing right now. Perhaps it's a financial problem. Maybe it's a marriage problem that seems to be an impossibility.
Maybe it's some responsibility, some pressure that's coming against your life. Maybe some debilitating illness. Some incurable disease. I don't know what your impossible situation is, but I want to try to help you face those impossible situations that come to us. Perhaps it's something that has come upon you suddenly or abruptly because that's how they come many times.
Maybe during the night. Or perhaps it's something you've dealt with for weeks or months or even years and now after years of dealing with the same thing, you feel that heavy burden, the evolution of time has made it so difficult that you simply find it unbearable. Impossibilities. Webster says something that's hopeless, something that is incapable of being dealt with, something that is insuperably difficult. Listen to me. Whatever appears insurmountable, whatever seems totally impossible to you, is not beyond the Lord's reach. In fact, you can't mix omnipotence and impossibility. It's like oil and water. You can't put an all-powerful God on one side and try to mix that with impossible situations on the human side - it won't work.
For you to believe your situation is impossible, you have to have a th ...
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