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by Ike Reighard

How to Keep Your Dreams on Track
Ike Reighard
John 6:14

Introduction: Keeping on track is not an easy thing to do. Just ask James Rich of Springfield, Kentucky. James was flying his $70,000 airplane from Springfield to Crossville, Tennessee. He put his plane on autopilot and took a snooze. When James woke up, it was six hours later and there was a lot of water. James said, "I knew there was not a body of water that big between home and Crossville." He was right. He was over the Gulf of Mexico, and he was out of fuel. He sent an SOS, an emergency plea. Two fighter jets were in the area and came to his rescue. As Mr. Rich's plane was going down, he radioed the fighter plane that the bad news was he could not swim. They dropped a life raft, but he clung to a seat cushion because he was afraid to swim. A helicopter rescued him.

The kicker is James Rich manages a regional airport and owns his own flight school!

It really is not easy to keep your dreams on track!

I. Keep your dreams on track by realizing the impact on your family.

A. Those closest to you may not believe in you.
"Are you saying?"

B. Those closest to y ...

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