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by Ike Reighard

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Watching Out for Warped Worship (2 of 10)
Series: The Demand of Command
Ike Reighard
Exodus 20:4-6
January 23, 1994


When you look at the demand of Command Number One, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," you realize that the demand of Command Number Two goes a step further. The first command teaches us not to worship anyone but the true God. The second command teaches us not to worship any representation of God. In other words, be very careful not to worship any other gods and not to worship the true God in the wrong way. This is idolatry.

Thomas Watson, the Puritan preacher: "In the first commandment, worshiping a false god is forbidden. In the second, worshiping the true God in a false manner is forbidden."

This is the essence of many quasi-religions of our present day and age. Sycretism was not just an Old Testament problem. It is the problem of Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses and many other religions that blend a man's thoughts with the Word of God. Idolatry.

I. The Creator voices His concern. v. 4-5

A. No representations of God.

"Carved images." Symbols can become substitutes!

*Classical 3-tier Hebrew cosmology.

Heavens - Nothing in the sky - Eagles, etc.

Earth - Nothing in the earth - Bulls, etc.

Sea - Nothing in the water - crocodiles

(Nothing under the earth - God in the caves.)

You should not create anything to represent the Creator.
J. I. Parker: "Metal images are the consequence of mental

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