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by James Merritt

Scripture: JAMES 1:19-25

Welcoming the Word
James Merritt
James 1:-19 -25


1. President Reagan designated 1983 "the year of the bible." the bible as we all know has outsold more books than any other book in history and it is now selling at a rate of 20 million copies a year in the united states. It is currently being translated into 600 different languages right now. And since the turn of the century here have been 78 different translations in English alone. Recent surveys show that virtually, every American home includes a bible. In fact, the average American home has 4 bibles.

2. A recent Gallup poll determined that 72% of all Americans believe that the bible is the word of god; and, that 75% read the bible at least occasionally. Now with all of these statistics and data you would think that the word of god is certainly welcome in America and welcome in the church but not so. The same Gallup poll that found that 72% of Americans believe the bible to be the word of god also found that only 12% of all Americans read the bible once or more daily. In fact only 18% of all protestants read the bible at least once a day and 41% of all protestants read the bible less than once a month.

3. James tells us in this passage of scripture an verse 21 that we are to receive the implanted word. The word to receive there literally means to welcome with gladness or to receive gladly. And so he says we are to welcome the word of god. And then he gives us 3 tests, by which we can determine whether or not we are truly welcoming the word of god into our-homes and into our hearts. There are many of us tonight who believe that the word of god is certainly a welcome guest - 2 to us when indeed it is truly an unwelcome intruder, for many churchgoers the bible instead of being a way to live gets in the way of living.

I. A proper reception of the word - verse 21

A. Holiness

1. If you were to find out tonight that the president of the united states was coming to visit you tomorr ...

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