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by James Merritt

Scripture: PHILIPPIANS 3:12-14
This content is part of a series.

Four Secrets of Success (7 of 10)
Series: The Joy of Jesus 
James Merritt
Philippians 3:12-14


1. The one word that probably describes the so call. American dream would be the word success. Everybody wants to be successful and they wanted to be associated with success. Every mother wants her son to be successful. Every woman wants to marry a successful man. The sharpest person in high school is voting most likely to succeed.,

2. Yet, success is very hard to define. For example, here are some sample definitions of success:

- Someone has said that success is something every body wants to buy but nobody wants to pay for.

- Someone else has said that a successful executive in business is one who can delegate all the responsibility, shift all the blame and get all the credit.

- Someone else has said, success is the ability to shoot the bull, pass the buck and make 7 copies of everything.

- Someone else has wisely said, success is getting your mother in law to go home early.

3. But not only is success hard to define. It's even harder to find. You may be like that man who said, ''just as I found the key to success, somebody changed the lock. Have you ever talked to someone who you considered to be successful and asked them the secret to their success and then find that they had a hard time telling you? I heard about one man who was considered to be very successful and someone said to him, ''what is the key to your success?'' the man replied, ''good judgment,'' they said, ''well, where did you learn good judgment?' he said, ''from experience.'' they said, 'and where did you gain your experience?' he said, ''from poor judgment.''

4. In my opinion, outside of the lord Jesus Christ, the greatest man who has ever lived was the apostle Paul. And in this passage of scripture) Paul lets us in on 4 secrets of success. These secrets that I am going to share will make you successful in any area of your life) in any field of endeavor, but, ...

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