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Can You See It?
James Merritt
Numbers 13-14


1. I read a story about a man who was taking his small daughter on a cruise out to California's Catalina Island. It was one of those beautiful clear Southern California days, and suddenly the little girl exclaimed, ''Daddy, I can look farther than my eyes can see!'' I wish our churches were filled with people like that little girl who could look farther than they could see.

2. Doctors now tell us that the part of our mind that plays the greatest role in achievement is that part of the mind that imagines, that visualizes. God created the human brain in two distinct parts, each having different functions. The left side of the brain is basically concerned with logic and speech - it thinks. The right side of the brain is related to intuition and creativity - it knows. It is visual in orientation. We now know that we tend to cultivate the left side of the brain. We spend years developing the part of the mind that reasons, memorizes, and learns, but almost no time is given to developing the immense potential of that part of the mind that gives birth to vision.

3. How we need to cultivate that visionary part of our thinking. Helen Keller was right. The greatest tragedy in life is to have sight, without vision.

4. Now as we come to this passage of Scripture remember that the people of Israel had been delivered from four centuries of bondage in the nation of Egypt. They had seen God part an entire sea, destroy an entire army, feed an entire nation with manna from heaven. Now chapter 12, verse 16 tells us:

''And afterward the people moved from Hazeroth and camped in the Wilderness of Paran.''

The Wilderness of Paran was right on the edge of Canaan.

5. Here they were, positioned for victory, poised for victory, a promised victory. All they had to do was claim their Canaan. But THEY COULD NOT SEE IT. Because they could not see it THEY DID NOT DO IT.

6. Now II Corinthians 10:11 tells us th ...

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