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by James Merritt

Scripture: HEBREWS 12:5-11

"Spare The Rod, Spoil The Christian"
By James Merritt
Hebrews 12:5-11


1. I want to say three things about myself as a Christian. First of all I am saved. I am saved because I have repented of my sin, and by faith accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, and received Him as my Lord.

2. Furthermore, I am sure. I know that I am saved and I know I am saved because God's word says so. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10:13)

3. But I am also secure. I believe once saved, always saved. I can never lose my salvation no matter what.

4. Now there are some people who will ride in your theological wagon for the first two miles, but when it comes to the security of the believer they want to get off. They say that it is a dangerous doctrine. They believe if you teach people that once they are saved they are always saved that you basically give them a license to sin, and they will go out and live like they want to.

5. I do not believe that is true for two reasons: First of all, when God saves you He changes your want to. A man said to Dwight L. Moody one time, "You must be miserable as a Christian." Moody said, "Why do you say that?" He said, "Because I get to sin all I want to and you don't." Moody said, "I get to sin all I want to." He said, "You do?" He said, "Yes, I just don't want to." That is exactly what God does for his children.

6. But secondly God won't let you live like you want to - and be happy. If you are saved then you remember this: If you are bound to sin, you are bound to suffer. A Christian is not someone who cannot sin. A Christian is someone who cannot sin and enjoy it.

7. I heard about a young boy that went off to one of these extremely expensive universities, and the bills were coming in monthly to these parents and they were struggling to keep their head above water. One day his mother received a letter from him and he said,
"Dear Mom, I'm writing to inform you th ...

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