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by James Merritt

Scripture: 1 Peter 5:5-11

Getting up When Things Are Down
James Merritt
1 Peter 5:5-11


1. Suicide has become a major, almost an epidemic, problem in our society. It would not surprise you to know that the number one leading cause of suicide is loneliness. It may not surprise you to know that the number two cause of suicide is anxiety.

2. People today are anxious, and anxiety seems to affect the poor to the rich. People are popping pills, taking tranquilizers, and doing dope in record numbers. We are strung out, uptight, hypertensive, on edge.

3. Now there may be some exceptions to the rule. You may be one of those people saying, ''I don't know what you are talking about. In my life everything is coming up roses. My life is as sweet as honey.'' Well, I want to remind you that roses have thorns. Around honey you will eventually find bees.

4. You see, there are really three classes of people who are here this morning. Some of you are in the middle of a problem. For some it is a family problem. It may be marital woes; you have a child that is breaking your heart over the way they are living. Some of you are having financial problems; you have too much month left at the end of the money, and you are without prospects for more money coming in. Some of you may have physical problems; something is wrong and you know it; or something is wrong and your doctor's just found it out. You don't feel well, you are sick.

5. Then there are some of you who are just now coming out of a problem. You just found a job. You are just now getting over that surgery. That prodigal son has just returned home.

6. Then there are those of you who are about to have a problem. A friend of mine, I found out just last week, after working for fourteen years with a certain organization, and who had been known as one of the most hard working and loyal members of that organization, came back to find his paycheck in an envelope with a little note that simply said, ''This is your last paycheck ...

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