Scripture: RUTH 4, RUTH 4:1, RUTH 4:2, RUTH 4:3, RUTH 4:4, RUTH 4:5, RUTH 4:6, RUTH 4:7, RUTH 4:8, RUTH 4:9, RUTH 4:10, RUTH 4:11, RUTH 4:12, RUTH 4:13, RUTH 4:14, RUTH 4:15, RUTH 4:16, RUTH 4:17, RUTH 4:18, RUTH 4:19, RUTH 4:20, RUTH 4:21, RUTH 4:22
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Ruth Rejoicing! (4 of 4)
Series: Book of Ruth
Dennis Marquardt
Ruth 4:1-22
INTRO: What do you do when you have done all you can do and all that is left now is to wait on God to see what will happen? YOU PRAY and WAIT! In a society that always believes there is something we should be doing we must learn that there is a time to trust God in prayer and believe and sometimes this is all we can do - and then just wait in faith!
When we do pray, we must believe in our hearts that God will intervene; this is the only way to have peace while waiting for a miracle! This is exactly where Ruth found herself at this point, she had practiced love, prayed a great deal, done everything she could, and now she waited and believed!
Some people pray, but don't really believe! These should G0 together!
ILLUS: Herb Biller wrote in "Connecting with God" a story about a church in a small town that had called its entire people together to pray against a new nightclub that had opened there. That night during the prayer meeting a lightning bolt struck the nightclub and burned it down. The owner of the nightclub heard about the prayer meeting and took the church to court to sue them claiming they were responsible for the loss and the fire! The church denied any responsibility however. During the hearing in court, both sides pleaded their case, the owner blaming the Christians and their prayers, and the church denying responsibility. The judge finally spoke and said this: "it seems wherever the guilt may lie the nightclub owner believes in prayer while the church doesn't!" -- Source Unknown
Ruth believed God and was waiting . . . the Lord will not disappoint her or Naomi whom she had ministered to so faithfully.
PROP. SENT: The Bible teaches us that faithfulness and faith brings us to rejoicing! God sees and hears the prayers of an effectual righteous man/woman, and He answers!
A. Trust! 4:1-4a
1. Ruth is at home with N ...
Series: Book of Ruth
Dennis Marquardt
Ruth 4:1-22
INTRO: What do you do when you have done all you can do and all that is left now is to wait on God to see what will happen? YOU PRAY and WAIT! In a society that always believes there is something we should be doing we must learn that there is a time to trust God in prayer and believe and sometimes this is all we can do - and then just wait in faith!
When we do pray, we must believe in our hearts that God will intervene; this is the only way to have peace while waiting for a miracle! This is exactly where Ruth found herself at this point, she had practiced love, prayed a great deal, done everything she could, and now she waited and believed!
Some people pray, but don't really believe! These should G0 together!
ILLUS: Herb Biller wrote in "Connecting with God" a story about a church in a small town that had called its entire people together to pray against a new nightclub that had opened there. That night during the prayer meeting a lightning bolt struck the nightclub and burned it down. The owner of the nightclub heard about the prayer meeting and took the church to court to sue them claiming they were responsible for the loss and the fire! The church denied any responsibility however. During the hearing in court, both sides pleaded their case, the owner blaming the Christians and their prayers, and the church denying responsibility. The judge finally spoke and said this: "it seems wherever the guilt may lie the nightclub owner believes in prayer while the church doesn't!" -- Source Unknown
Ruth believed God and was waiting . . . the Lord will not disappoint her or Naomi whom she had ministered to so faithfully.
PROP. SENT: The Bible teaches us that faithfulness and faith brings us to rejoicing! God sees and hears the prayers of an effectual righteous man/woman, and He answers!
A. Trust! 4:1-4a
1. Ruth is at home with N ...
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