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by James O. Davis

Scripture: MATTHEW 16:27-28, MATTHEW 17:1-8
This content is part of a series.

The Transfiguration and the Second Coming (4 of 17)
Series: Sign Posts on the Road to Armageddon
Dr. James O. Davis
Matthew 16:27, 28; 17:1-8


Even though we have read the record of the Transfiguration many times, I feel we have not fully understood that it is a prophetic preview of the Second Coming of Jesus. The Transfiguration was actually a glimpse of Glory and a foretaste of the future. Part of the reason is because of the chapter divisions of Matthew 16 and 17. Realize that the Scriptures are inspired, but the numbers are not. In fact, it was a long time before the chapter divisions were placed in the Bible. Some were not inserted correctly and have thus divided subjects and caused some confusion.

Jesus began to talk about His Second Coming right before the start of Matthew 17. Notice the two verses at the end of chapter 16, which seem to present a discrepancy, because Jesus had said, "Some of you who are standing here shall not taste of death till they see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom."

Was Jesus right or wrong? He was not wrong. The Transfiguration was a microcosm of the Second Coming when you put the pieces of the entire picture together. It was a prophetic preview. It was a foretaste of the future. It was a picture that Matthew was recording for the saints concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. As we study this portion of Scripture, I want us to learn three primary lessons about the Transfiguration as it relates to the Second Coming.


A) Notice the Duration--Matthew 17:1 says, "And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart." I want you to notice the duration. The Word says, "after six days." This was nearly a week after Jesus had said that some of those that were standing there would see Him coming in His Kingdom.

The Old Testament prophets never saw the church age; they always saw Jesus Christ com ...

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