Come to Church with a Purpose
Dan Rodgers
Psalm 27:4-5
July 13, 2003
1. Rick Warren, Pastor of the famous Saddleback Church, has written a book entitled, ‘‘The Purpose Driven Church.’’ Since I have not read the book, I cannot tell you what his definition of a purpose driven church is.
a. I can, however, tell you this; there does need to be a purpose behind ‘‘why’’ we come to church, and some reasons we do the things we do as they relate to the church.
2. In our text the Psalmist, David, had a purpose, or some reasons for coming to the House of the Lord. There are really three reasons he gives, but in (vs.4a) he refers to them as, ‘‘one thing’’
a. The one thing he refers to is this: ‘‘That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.’’ The other two reasons are sub points--they are the benefits of dwelling in the House of the Lord. And what are they? ‘‘That he may ‘‘behold the beauty of the Lord,’’ and that he may ‘‘enquire in His temple.’’
3. This morning I want to give you these three things - these three purposes of David:
I. Dwelling In The House of the Lord
II. Beholding the Beauty of the Lord
III. Enquiring In the Temple of the Lord
1. Two things:
A. His Desire: ‘‘One thing have I desired’’ (vs.4a)
1. Throughout the Psalms we find David talking about the House of the Lord. It was always his desire to worship in God’s Holy Temple. Psalm 61:4, ‘‘I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings.’’ Psalm 122:1, ‘‘I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.’’
2. Can I ask you a question? Were you glad when someone said to you today, ‘‘Let’s go into the House of the Lord?’’ Was it your desire to come to church this morning--to be in the presence of the Lord, and to fellowship with the saints? What is your purpose for being here today? 3. Keep the word ‘‘desire’’ before you, for desire is the thing that drives us. ...
Dan Rodgers
Psalm 27:4-5
July 13, 2003
1. Rick Warren, Pastor of the famous Saddleback Church, has written a book entitled, ‘‘The Purpose Driven Church.’’ Since I have not read the book, I cannot tell you what his definition of a purpose driven church is.
a. I can, however, tell you this; there does need to be a purpose behind ‘‘why’’ we come to church, and some reasons we do the things we do as they relate to the church.
2. In our text the Psalmist, David, had a purpose, or some reasons for coming to the House of the Lord. There are really three reasons he gives, but in (vs.4a) he refers to them as, ‘‘one thing’’
a. The one thing he refers to is this: ‘‘That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.’’ The other two reasons are sub points--they are the benefits of dwelling in the House of the Lord. And what are they? ‘‘That he may ‘‘behold the beauty of the Lord,’’ and that he may ‘‘enquire in His temple.’’
3. This morning I want to give you these three things - these three purposes of David:
I. Dwelling In The House of the Lord
II. Beholding the Beauty of the Lord
III. Enquiring In the Temple of the Lord
1. Two things:
A. His Desire: ‘‘One thing have I desired’’ (vs.4a)
1. Throughout the Psalms we find David talking about the House of the Lord. It was always his desire to worship in God’s Holy Temple. Psalm 61:4, ‘‘I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings.’’ Psalm 122:1, ‘‘I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.’’
2. Can I ask you a question? Were you glad when someone said to you today, ‘‘Let’s go into the House of the Lord?’’ Was it your desire to come to church this morning--to be in the presence of the Lord, and to fellowship with the saints? What is your purpose for being here today? 3. Keep the word ‘‘desire’’ before you, for desire is the thing that drives us. ...
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