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by J. Gerald Harris

Scripture: PSALMS 147:11
This content is part of a series.

Planned for God's Purpose (2 of 5)
J. Gerald Harris
Psalm 147:11

Last Sunday morning we emphasized the fact that it's all about God, and not about us. This universe does not revolve around us and our wants and desires and pleasures. It revolves around God. His purposes and His plans and His pleasure should be foremost in our hearts and in our minds.

So, do you know why you were created? You were created primarily to bring pleasure to God. The Lord wants you to delight in Him, and He wants to be able to delight in you. Our text says, "The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear (or worship) Him, in those who hope in His mercy."

Now, let me give you another reason as to why I know we were created for God's pleasure. You see, Jesus Christ was sent into this world to be our Redeemer, our Savior, but also to be our example. And do you remember what Jesus said in John 8:29? He said, "He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him."

Rick Warren says that bringing pleasure to God is called worship, and anything you do that brings pleasure to God is worship, and that worship is not just a part of your life, it is your life.

Now, taking all of that into consideration, what have you done this week that has brought pleasure to God? What have you done this week that has just delighted God to pieces?

Do you know what I'm really good at doing? Some of you may have wondered if there is anything at which I excel. But there is one thing that I do fairly well. I do a pretty good job of pleasing Gerald Harris.

If one Saturday afternoon I decide that it would please me to have a new tie, I will go to the store and purchase a new tie. If one night I decide that I want to indulge myself, I will go to the store and buy me a vat of ice cream and just enjoy it more than you can possibly imagine. And once in a great while, if I decide that it would please me to do so, I will connect with somebody and go play a ro ...

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