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by J. Gerald Harris

Scripture: I KINGS 19:1-8

How to Win Over Depression
Dr. J. Gerald Harris
I Kings 19:1-8

Depression! Winston Churchill, one of the greats of human history, suffered terribly from depression. He said it followed him like a black dog.

Ernest Hemingway was a rugged, macho author of best sellers like "For Whom The Bell Tolls" and "The Old Man And The Sea." But we know that he had such a problem with guilt and depression that he eventually took his own life.

Abraham Lincoln delivered a powerful address entitled "A House Divided Against Itself." The speech was so masterfully delivered that it won him the presidency. And yet Lincoln was the victim of divisive doubt and depression.

Charles Spurgeon, one of the greatest preachers of all times, was able to introduce sparkling wit and quick humor into his sermons, but he had a lifetime battle with depression. His depression was caused by a chronic case of gout.

One of the greatest examples in all of the Bible of a man who got depressed is Elijah. He was a powerful prophet. He is one of God's great mountain peaks who stands head and shoulders above other prophets.

He appears on the scene when Israel was in a time of terrible moral decay. Ahab was the king of Israel. Ahab had married a woman by the name of Jezebel. Together Ahab and Jezebel had led Israel into apostasy.

Elijah came before the king and said to him, "There is going to be a famine." Sure enough, for over three years it did not rain in all of Israel. Three years later Elijah appeared before the king a second time. This time Elijah said, "Let's have a contest. Let's decide once and for all who is God - either Baal or Jehovah."

All Israel was called to mount Carmel for this colossal contest. Among those present were the 450 prophets of Baal. Elijah issued the challenge to these prophets. He said, "Let's each offer a sacrifice. And then let's call upon our God to send down fire from heaven. The God that sends fire to consume the sacrifice will be the God Israel wi ...

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