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by Kenneth Boa

Scripture: I CORINTHIANS 15:42-44, I THESSALONIANS 4:13-18, JOHN 11:25-26, REVELATION 20:1-7
This content is part of a series.

The End Times (1 of 2)
Dr. Kenneth Boa

I'm going to begin in a word of prayer.

Father we thank You so much for the opportunity that you give us to be Your children, to know You, and have the opportunity to grow in this life, to have a sense of our direction. I pray that our understanding of our hope would be fixed firmly on Your promises and Your character, that you'd give us deeper and greater insight, and a greater appreciation and anticipation of the reality that You're preparing for us. You've said, "eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man the things that You have prepared for those who love You. The things You're preparing are beyond our imagination, really, and yet You tell us things that are true so that we can have a fixed hope. We thank You in Christ's name, Amen.

DOCTRINE WE HAVE IN COMMON: I want to begin by talking about the things that we do have in common. I do want to stress that there is a hierarchy of doctrine. When we're talking about the End Times, there are certain issues that are more foundational than others. Those things that lie in the foundation, really have to do with things like the person and work, who God is, of course, the person and work of Jesus Christ, the way of salvation, and so forth. But then there are things further down the road that are higher on in the sense of not being quite as foundational. There are some points that are things we all share in common, or should share in common, like the basic apostolic creeds, and so forth. But then there comes a point where there are some issues that are not as central. You don't want to major in the minors. What you want to do is have something in common when we're talking about eschatology.

The topic we're discussing tonight, Eschatology, means the study of last things. "Eschaton" is "the last" and it deals with the perspective in Scripture. What does it say about our future? Well there are certain things that we all ...

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