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by Jesse Hendley

Scripture: ROMANS 1:16
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Jesse M. Hendley
Romans 1:16

We have been thinking about people being without
excuse and the many ways God has revealed Himself to
men, and why it is that men miss God.

Now we come to the wonderful fact that WE CAN HAVE
GOD. Everyone can have the Lord. We can have Him now.
We can have Him through eternity. But we must get
right with God.

We can have Him in the midst of all the dangers of
this present world, the crashing of worlds in
destruction. We are going to see the crumbling of the
world because righteousness must prevail, and God's
Word promises us a NEW heaven and a NEW earth wherein
dwells nothing but righteousness. God is going to
bring it about. He is going to have to destroy this
present heaven and earth and create a new heaven and a
new earth wherein dwells this righteousness and
nothing else. All unrighteousness must go. All
unrighteous people must go.

Ah, my friends, we must GET RIGHT WITH GOD. The only
way we can get right with God is receive the Lord
Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour and pick up this
Bible and live the Word of God, seeking to please the
Lord Jesus Christ and look to Him for the power to do

The wonderful thing is, WE CAN HAVE GOD! We must first
of all receive the Lord Jesus Christ INTO OUR Minds,
if we are going to be saved. We must receive Him into
our minds. The Son of God has come and has given us an
understanding that we might know Him. Understanding is
using your mind. That's the difference between man and
beast. It always has been and always will be. The
Bible says man was made in the image of God, not in
the image of some animal through evolution. He was
made directly in the image of the Living God. People
are capable of thinking, capable of reasoning, capable
of emotion, capable of will, determining the direction
they are going. God gives to us that privilege, the
use of the mind.

Friends, today let me remind ...

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