Jesse M. Hendley
Matthew 16:18-19
We want to take for our subject tonight the Devil and
his terrible wiles. First, we have Jesus at Cesarea-
Philippi. If you want to follow me as I go along, we
find the first reference in Matthew 16, verses 18 and
19. We have a lot of territory to cover, but when
anyone is asked to speak on Satan they are virtually
handing to you the Bible and saying, "Skim over it,"
because you will find this great truth of the Devil in
the warp and woof of the Scriptures, and runs right on
through, but I'm hoping tonight it will not be a
study, I am hoping that Satan will become to us the
reality that he is, and that we may know more
adequately how to fight him, and how we can have the
victory in our lives and be of use to God.
I have no hesitation to say to you today that God's
army is not as efficient, certainly, as God intends it
should be. I tell you, if Uncle Sam's army was as
inefficient in fighting against the hordes of our
enemies as the Christian church is against unseen
enemies, then beloved we need not expect to see the
end of the war this year, the next year nor the next
year after that because believe me, we are in a
battle. The greatest conflict is not being fought on
the soil of Europe tonight, it is being fought in the
heavenly places. That is the place of the conflict.
Now first of all our text was Matthew 16:18-19. Jesus
said, "I say unto thee thou art Peter, and upon this
rock I shall build my church and the gates of Hell
(Hades, literally) shall not prevail against HER."
The church is in the feminine there. They shall not
prevail against HER. There is a great text. I want to
call your attention to the fact that He says He will
build His church, and that the gates of Hell (Hades -
Hades means the unseen world) shall not prevail
against His church. Now in the first part of this
great passage we have the c ...
Jesse M. Hendley
Matthew 16:18-19
We want to take for our subject tonight the Devil and
his terrible wiles. First, we have Jesus at Cesarea-
Philippi. If you want to follow me as I go along, we
find the first reference in Matthew 16, verses 18 and
19. We have a lot of territory to cover, but when
anyone is asked to speak on Satan they are virtually
handing to you the Bible and saying, "Skim over it,"
because you will find this great truth of the Devil in
the warp and woof of the Scriptures, and runs right on
through, but I'm hoping tonight it will not be a
study, I am hoping that Satan will become to us the
reality that he is, and that we may know more
adequately how to fight him, and how we can have the
victory in our lives and be of use to God.
I have no hesitation to say to you today that God's
army is not as efficient, certainly, as God intends it
should be. I tell you, if Uncle Sam's army was as
inefficient in fighting against the hordes of our
enemies as the Christian church is against unseen
enemies, then beloved we need not expect to see the
end of the war this year, the next year nor the next
year after that because believe me, we are in a
battle. The greatest conflict is not being fought on
the soil of Europe tonight, it is being fought in the
heavenly places. That is the place of the conflict.
Now first of all our text was Matthew 16:18-19. Jesus
said, "I say unto thee thou art Peter, and upon this
rock I shall build my church and the gates of Hell
(Hades, literally) shall not prevail against HER."
The church is in the feminine there. They shall not
prevail against HER. There is a great text. I want to
call your attention to the fact that He says He will
build His church, and that the gates of Hell (Hades -
Hades means the unseen world) shall not prevail
against His church. Now in the first part of this
great passage we have the c ...
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