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by Jesse Hendley

Scripture: I PETER 3:20

Jesse M. Hendley
I Peter 3:20

If you have your Bibles now, turn with me to First
Peter 3:20, and we are studying today a wonderful
truth: The Longsuffering of God.

We studied about Jesus when He died on the Cross. He
went and "preached to the spirits in prison which were
aforetime disobedient (I am reading from the Revised
Version, the Old Revised Version of 1881, edition
1907), when the longsuffering of God waited in the
days of Noah while the ark was preparing."

We have been studying about the spirits in prison, and
we found that the people in Noah's day perished
physically in the flood but their spirits lived on.
They were spiritual beings in flesh. Life is spiritual
being in flesh. Not just flesh, but spiritual being.
That is the difference between a dead body and a
living body. A dead body is a body from which the
spirit has gone. A living body is a body in which the
spirit still dwells, controlling that body. There is a
difference between a dead body and a living body.

Now when Jesus died, in spirit He went and preached to
the spirits in prison. And here we read of the spirits
in prison as being the people of Noah's day who were
disobedient to his preaching of God's commands. God
commanded them to repent, and they didn't do it. They
were disobedient. They didn't DO what God told them to
do, and the result was the judgment of the flood.

Back when I was a boy I had a misconception of God. We
didn't have much expository preaching, which gives
exposition of actually what the Bible teaches, in its
round truth. I used to think that God delighted in
JUDGMENT, and when the people of Noah's day sinned,
God was just righteous, that's all, and He just
punished them by drowning everybody. That was my idea,
as a boy. But I learned different, when I began to
study the Bible on the Nature of God! God didn't WANT
to drown everybody in Noah's day, and we read that
"THE LO ...

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