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by Jesse Hendley

Jesse M. Hendley

A lady told me the other day, "I lived with my husband
for twenty years before I found out that he wasn't
God." And I suppose some husbands feel that way about
their wives! Somehow or other we feel that we are
"marrying God," a perfect person, and when we find our
mate is only a human being with human faults we are

We are thinking now about "Marriage, Divorce,
Remarriage and God." I have begun this message in a
humorous vein, but this subject is very, very serious.
In fact, next to the matter of our salvation in
importance is this matter of the home! Someone said,
"The home began before the Church." That is correct.
God created the home in the Garden of Eden, when He
created Adam and Eve.

We are living in a day when marriage is being
disparaged and there are changes in public opinion
about divorce. Authorities in Italy recently decided
that divorce would be permitted, something unknown
before. It is said that about two million people are
waiting for divorce over there, to be brought into the
courts. Roman Catholic teaching has forbidden divorce
down through the years.

This is a subject I approach with grave concern, not
because I am afraid to approach it nor because I don't
know what I want to say, but I want people to know
what THE BIBLE says. I am not going to say what some
people WANT me to say; I am going to give an
exposition of the Word of God. I would not dare do
anything else. This is a vital matter. Next to the
relationship with God, the greatest relationship in
all the world is the relationship of a husband and
wife. God comes first, then the home.

Which Relationship is First?

I pause here to say, friends, and particularly to
young people, that there is an erroneous teaching
abroad that the relationship of the husband and wife
is the FIRST one. That is definitely a mistake. Many
times in counselling with ...

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