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by Jesse Hendley

Scripture: REVELATION 15:1-8, REVELATION 16:1-21
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Jesse M. Hendley
Revelation 15 & 16

Friends, turn with me, please to Revelation 15. We
have been reading about people who have gotten the
victory over the Antichrist and stand upon the sea of
glass and sing the song of Moses and the Lamb (the
Lord Jesus Christ).

The Lamb Glorified

It is wonderful in this Book of the Revelation how
much we find Christ the Lamb glorified. He is not
glorified very much today. When our astronauts went
out and circled the moon at Christmastime 1968 and
read from the Book of Genesis my heart was thrilled
because they glorified God! But also, my heart ached,
because there they were at Christmastime, when the
world celebrates the birth of Christ, GOD'S SON, THE
LAMB OF GOD, and His Name was not mentioned. I
listened in vain to hear His blessed Name---"Jesus."
God was glorified, but not Christ, God's Son!

I want to say to you very carefully, friends, that we
do not glorify God when we do not glorify His Son.
Read it for yourself in John 5:23. All through the
Bible, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain!" God says,
"Kiss the Son (give homage to the Son) lest He be
angry and we perish from the way." Psalm 2:12. It is
THE LAMB of God Who is the WAY to God! There is no
other way.

Today there is a definite and conspicuous CONSPIRACY
against the name of JESUS. We hear a lot about "God"
but nobody comes to God but through Jesus Christ His
Son! Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the Way, the Truth
and the Life, NO MAN cometh unto the Father, but by
ME." He is the ONLY way to God. Nobody worships "God"
apart from Jesus Christ, His Son. Yet all over the
world today Christ is left out. In heaven, they HONOR
Jesus' Name. They sing the song of Moses and the Lamb.

The Heavenly Scene

We read here in verse 5, "And after that I looked and
behold the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony
in heaven was opened." There is a temple of God ...

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