Jesse M. Hendley
I Timothy 2:4-6
Did Jesus die for everybody? When Jesus died on the
cross did He die for everyone in the world? Can
everybody in the world be saved? Some people say,
A recent writer says, "There is no such thing as an
unlimited atonement." That means that there is no such
thing as the atonement of Jesus being for everybody;
that it is limited, limited only to the elect; that it
is not for the non-elect. This writer says there is no
such thing as Jesus dying for everybody, preparing
salvation for everybody. That is what we are thinking
about in this message, the false idea that Christ's
death on the cross was limited only to the elect; that
He did not die for everybody, that He died only for
those predestinated, elected, from the council
chambers of eternity. To this writer who says, "There
is no such thing as an unlimited atonement," I reply
from the New Testament that there IS an unlimited
atonement, which it is for everybody!
This man says that many benefits in this life accrue
to the non-elect; that is, that a lot of people get a
lot of benefits in this life but they are going to
hell hereafter because Jesus didn't die for them.
Well, "Isn't that a big deal," some of the young
people would say. "We get something in this life, but
we go to hell hereafter because the atonement of Jesus
did not reach us." Isn't that tragic for the man who
is not among the elect? This man says that the Gospel
is proclaimed freely to all without distinction, and
yet he says that many people can't be saved who hear
it. Does that make sense?
I think God is the most reasonable Being in the
universe. In Isaiah God says, "Come, let us reason
together." I don't know of anything more unreasonable
than the Gospel proclaimed freely to all without
distinction but most of them cannot be saved while you
proclaim it. That is what this man says. He says God's
people ...
Jesse M. Hendley
I Timothy 2:4-6
Did Jesus die for everybody? When Jesus died on the
cross did He die for everyone in the world? Can
everybody in the world be saved? Some people say,
A recent writer says, "There is no such thing as an
unlimited atonement." That means that there is no such
thing as the atonement of Jesus being for everybody;
that it is limited, limited only to the elect; that it
is not for the non-elect. This writer says there is no
such thing as Jesus dying for everybody, preparing
salvation for everybody. That is what we are thinking
about in this message, the false idea that Christ's
death on the cross was limited only to the elect; that
He did not die for everybody, that He died only for
those predestinated, elected, from the council
chambers of eternity. To this writer who says, "There
is no such thing as an unlimited atonement," I reply
from the New Testament that there IS an unlimited
atonement, which it is for everybody!
This man says that many benefits in this life accrue
to the non-elect; that is, that a lot of people get a
lot of benefits in this life but they are going to
hell hereafter because Jesus didn't die for them.
Well, "Isn't that a big deal," some of the young
people would say. "We get something in this life, but
we go to hell hereafter because the atonement of Jesus
did not reach us." Isn't that tragic for the man who
is not among the elect? This man says that the Gospel
is proclaimed freely to all without distinction, and
yet he says that many people can't be saved who hear
it. Does that make sense?
I think God is the most reasonable Being in the
universe. In Isaiah God says, "Come, let us reason
together." I don't know of anything more unreasonable
than the Gospel proclaimed freely to all without
distinction but most of them cannot be saved while you
proclaim it. That is what this man says. He says God's
people ...
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