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by Jesse Hendley

Scripture: JUDGES 6:18-24
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Jesse M. Hendley
Judges 6:18-24

Now, friends, if you have your Bibles, turn with me
to Judges, chapter 6, and we are studying today the
man whom God blesses, the kind of life God MUST
bless, God will bless, God can bless. There are
certain elements in our character, certain things
that we do, certain attitudes that we have, that God
must inevitably bless! We find these in the life of

Gideon was a God-called man. But God is calling to
everybody today. God's CALL is going out today as
never before. In Old Testament times God called
individuals, skipping here and there, to do His
work; today God calls everyone. He calls us to
service. EVERYONE is to serve, from the least to the
greatest, from the smallest to the largest, from the
youngest to the oldest. EVERYONE is to serve the
Lord. "A servant of the Lord" is a synonym for a
CHRISTIAN, in the New Testament. A Christian is to
be a servant of the Lord.

Now we found, in the elements of the life of Gideon,
three that are very vital. I simply mention them
now. First of all, Gideon was a man of humility. He
said he was from a poor family in Manesseh and the
least in his father's house. Secondly, he believed
God. He believed God to the extent that he put Him
to the test; he asked God for a sign. Then the third
thing, he gave God an offering. We read about that
offering in verse 18. He asked the angel of the Lord
to wait until he (Gideon) brought forth an offering.
"Wait until I bring forth my present." MY PRESENT.
Literally, "my meat offering."

I have called your attention to the fact that all
through the Bible God expects offerings of His
people. We are to offer up prayer and praise and our
substance, our time and talents, and OURSELVES, our
total personality. "First they gave themselves," we
read. That is, body, mind and spirit TO THE LORD.
That means all your thinking for the Lord, all your

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