How We May Know That The Bible Is The Word Of God
Jesse M. Hendley
Ephesians 3:20
Now friends, if you have your Bibles, turn with me to Ephesians 3 and verse 20. The text "According to the power that worketh in us. "Question. How may we know the Bible is the Word of God? Now this is one of the most important things we can ever settle in our minds. The other day I was in a revival meeting in a certain city in Alabama and a Christian brother came to me at the close of the meeting and said, "I have a young lady whom I am trying to win to the Lord and she is coming to the services. She has a problem. She is honest, has an inquiring mind, and keeps asking me the question, "How may I know that the Bible Is the Word of God?" I said, "May I talk to her? Is it possible for her to come and see me?" He said, "Yes, I will bring her tomorrow night." She came with him and after the service we went back into a quiet place where we could talk. I told her to ask any question she may have. She immediately said, "How may I know that the Bible is the Word of God?" My friends, many people have questions and need answers so they may believe and be saved.
I told her I had to settle this in my own mind and that I had to know the Bible is the Word of God in order that I might trust the Bible way of salvation. Our hope stands or falls upon that question of the Bible being the very Word of God because the day is coming we will leave this world and our only comfort will be the Word of God. Now this young lady had had some problems. She was being taught evolution in school as being fact instead of theory, which it is. This disturbs a lot of young people and there are many professors who seemingly delight to break the faith in the Bible of young people by teaching evolutionary theory. She also was concerned about the other religions of the earth. How can other religions, and there are so many of them be wrong and Christianity be right? These are honest ...
Jesse M. Hendley
Ephesians 3:20
Now friends, if you have your Bibles, turn with me to Ephesians 3 and verse 20. The text "According to the power that worketh in us. "Question. How may we know the Bible is the Word of God? Now this is one of the most important things we can ever settle in our minds. The other day I was in a revival meeting in a certain city in Alabama and a Christian brother came to me at the close of the meeting and said, "I have a young lady whom I am trying to win to the Lord and she is coming to the services. She has a problem. She is honest, has an inquiring mind, and keeps asking me the question, "How may I know that the Bible Is the Word of God?" I said, "May I talk to her? Is it possible for her to come and see me?" He said, "Yes, I will bring her tomorrow night." She came with him and after the service we went back into a quiet place where we could talk. I told her to ask any question she may have. She immediately said, "How may I know that the Bible is the Word of God?" My friends, many people have questions and need answers so they may believe and be saved.
I told her I had to settle this in my own mind and that I had to know the Bible is the Word of God in order that I might trust the Bible way of salvation. Our hope stands or falls upon that question of the Bible being the very Word of God because the day is coming we will leave this world and our only comfort will be the Word of God. Now this young lady had had some problems. She was being taught evolution in school as being fact instead of theory, which it is. This disturbs a lot of young people and there are many professors who seemingly delight to break the faith in the Bible of young people by teaching evolutionary theory. She also was concerned about the other religions of the earth. How can other religions, and there are so many of them be wrong and Christianity be right? These are honest ...
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