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by Jesse Hendley

Scripture: EZEKIEL 1:1-17

The Call of Ezekiel
Jesse M. Hendley
Ezekiel 1

Now if you have your Bibles, friends, I want you to turn with me to the Book of Ezekiel, chapter 1, and today we are studying THE CALL of Ezekiel, the prophet of God. This Book of Ezekiel is a prophecy. It is a marvelous book, one of the greatest books of the Bible, and it is wonderful to our hearts to see how God speaks today.

The Book of Ezekiel is a tremendous book. In chapter 1, verses 1 through 3, we learn the CALL of God's prophet. The name Ezekiel means literally ''God strengthens.'' Yehazak El (El is the word of God), ''God strengthens.''

Now this man Ezekiel's very name means that, and I want to remind you that God does strengthen. You and I NEED strength. We read, ''While we were yet weak, without strength, Christ died for the ungodly.'' Weak! Weak spiritually, weak in sin, weak before temptations, weak in the hands of the devil, weak mentally, physically, spiritually, because of SIN. A man becomes weak when sin masters him, when unbelief masters him. There are people who are weak mentally and can't think through. There are people who are weak physically, having illnesses. Some of us who haven't known much about that find it hard to sympathize unless we are around people like that, and even then it is difficult. Some people go through life with illness. Then there is weakness spiritually. Some people never seem to grow strong, never seem to be able to pray and have a consistent prayer life, have daily Bible reading, not strong enough to have a family altar where a chapter of the Bible is read each day along with prayer. Oh, the WEAKNESS of the human race! It is interesting that one of the Hebrew words for MAN means ''the weak one.''

Now Ezekiel is a wonderful name. ''God strengthens.'' Remember that! You might write down the name E Z E K I E L and put it on your mirror where you can see it when you get up in the morning, or put it over your kitchen sink (you ladies). And write the MEANING of the ...

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