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by Jesse Hendley

Scripture: JOHN 6:26, LUKE 10:41-42, MATTHEW 12:39

Jesse M. Hendley
Luke 16:15
Matthew 12:39, John 6:26, Luke 10:41-42

God's Word gives us a warning about the awful judgment
upon worldliness. People today are trying to do away
with the warnings God has given in His Book. They are
solemn warnings.

Here are the words of a man who has tried to explain
away the warnings of God. "All the old fears and
terrors that haunted me as a child are gone,
completely gone, like mists before the sun; the dread
forebodings of the wrath of a holy God; the undying
worm of an awakened conscience; the torment of an
ever-burning bed in hell, which used to follow me in
my midnight reveling, haunt me in the playhouse and
drinking places and gamblers' club. All gone now. Ever
since I heard that beautiful discourse, that excellent
sermon, that masterpiece of elocution, in which the
learned preacher demolished the timeworn doctrine of a
literal hell and completely explained it away, it was
a great relief to me, I can assure you. And I am doing
what I can now to relieve the minds of others who may
be troubled as I was, with doctrines learned in
childhood which may have had their day, but are in no
way suited to the age of culture and enlightenment.
Oh, I am delighted, and so thankful, to have had HELL
explained away."

But friends, all the smooth-tongued orators that ever
stand in the pulpit can never explain away Hell.
Never! It is written in the Word of God. It is in the
Book. The warning is there, about Hell. And you cannot
get away from it. GOD HAS SAID IT, ALL THROUGH HIS
WORD. It still burns in all its fury. When this man
dies, he will wake up in Hell and lift up his eyes in
torment. You may deny it but you cannot remove it. You
may explain it away yet it remains the prison of the
lost, the doom of the ungodly, the place where God's
abiding wrath is burning, where Christless souls are
suffering, where grace-despisers are bewailing their

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