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by Jesse Hendley

Scripture: I JOHN 1:7

Jesse M. Hendley
I John 1:7

In First John 1:7 w read, "If we walk in the light as
He is in the light we have fellowship one with another
and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us
from all sin." As we walk in the light of God's Word,
as we walk in prayer and the Bible from day to day,
judging everything that comes our way whether it is
sinful and wrong in our lives, seeking to live a pure
life before God, then automatically the blood of Jesus
Christ is cleansing us from all sin. It just keeps on
cleansing us from all sin. That is the way we stay
clean before God, as we "walk in the light" of God's
Holy Word and God's Holy Presence. That's the way we
stay clean before God. When you first accept Jesus as
your Saviour, you are cleansed. But walking in a world
of defilement and corruption, you get defiled. The
only way is confession, day by day going to God in
prayer, going over our lives, asking God to forgive us
of things that have been wrong in thought and word and
deed in our lives, and the blood of Jesus is available
for that. We don't have to beg and beg for
forgiveness; God forgives us immediately when we
really surrender our lives to HIM.

I was in a certain city the other day for a revival
meeting, and I was broadcasting over the radio. At the
close of the message, a lady called me on the phone.
She used to live in Atlanta. In fact, she gave her
heart to Christ in our work and was saved. She said,
"It's good to hear your voice again," and then, "but
I'm not walking with the Lord as I used to." She was
very frank to say that she had drifted from the Lord,
had lost her joy and victory in Him and the blessing
God had for her.

She made this statement, "I can't live for the Lord in

But I said, "Little lady, you can live for God
ANYWHERE when you make up your mind to do it. Daniel
lived for God in BABYLON. He purposed in his h ...

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