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by Jesse Hendley

Scripture: I KINGS 17

Jesse M. Hendley
I Kings 17

Elijah the Tishbite was a man of God who had a
tremendous ministry. We are reading now from First
Kings 17, remembering Isaiah who had the baptism of
fire, and what a mighty man of God he turned out to
be; and Moses, who came to the burning bush where the
Lord spoke to him in a definite way and sent him forth
to lead His people as a mighty army out of Egypt. And
now we come to one of the mightiest prophets God ever
had on this earth, this man Elijah, who also had
experiences with God that none could dare deny.
Friends, God is STILL giving experiences to those who
will walk close to Him and pay the price.

A Man Of Prayer

Now we learn from First Kings 17 that this man Elijah
was a man of prayer. "And Elijah the Tishbite said
unto Ahab, As the Lord God of Israel, liveth, before
Whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these
years, but according to My Word."

If you turn to James 5.16, you will read that the
"effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth
much." James illustrates by this passage in the life
of Elijah. He calls our attention to the fact that
Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are,
not a perfect man, not a half-god, but simply a human
being, as we are. But Elijah WALKED WITH GOD! He was a
man of prayer. He was a righteous man. The PRAYERS,
that are effectual and fervent, of a righteous man,
AVAILETH MUCH. Friends, we don't have to have large
groups of people to get things from God. ONE MAN who
is right with God, as Elijah was, can do mighty things
for the Lord! Elijah prayed that it wouldn't rain, for
Israel was apostate and in sin. Elijah prayed that God
would shut up the heavens and not let it rain, and for
three and a half years there was not a drop of rain in
the land! This man of God was a man of prayer. Then he
prayed again, and the heavens gave forth their rain.
God Almighty did what this man of G ...

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