Jesse M. Hendley
Psalm 23
You are familiar with the great Twenty-third Psalm.
But are you familiar with its great TRUTHS? God help
us today as we think upon His Word. May the Spirit of
the Living God speak to each heart. Listen, please, to
the Word of God.
In verse 4 of this Psalm, we read some amazing words,
wonderful words. "Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,
for Thou art with me. Thy rod and Thy staff, they
comfort me." I want to lift out of that text the
expression, "the valley of the shadow of death."
David, the Psalmist, knew about Death. He is speaking
here about the valley of the shadow of death. David
says, "Though I walk through it, though it is
inevitable for me to go through that valley, though it
is definitely sure that at the end of life there is
the experience of death to go through; though for some
there will be fear and harm, yet as for me, I will
fear no harm, no destruction, no evil of any sort, for
Thou art with me." "Thou, Lord, art with me!" That is
a comforting thing for the child of God. The LORD will
go through that valley with the child of God.
The Bible says that there are two roads in this life,
and all of us are traveling one of the two. There is
the straight and narrow road about which Jesus speaks.
It is the road traveled by the godly, by the believers
in Jesus Christ. The other road leads to destruction.
It is the road traveled by the ungodly, by
unbelievers. You and I and everyone are traveling one
of these two roads.
The Bible says that man may make his choice as to
which road he travels in life. God has permitted man
to have his choice. He has given us the power of
choice. I can travel the broad road that leads to
destruction. I can walk the ungodly way. I can ignore
God and His Day and His people and His house and pay
no attention to Him. I can ignore God's Son. I can
Jesse M. Hendley
Psalm 23
You are familiar with the great Twenty-third Psalm.
But are you familiar with its great TRUTHS? God help
us today as we think upon His Word. May the Spirit of
the Living God speak to each heart. Listen, please, to
the Word of God.
In verse 4 of this Psalm, we read some amazing words,
wonderful words. "Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,
for Thou art with me. Thy rod and Thy staff, they
comfort me." I want to lift out of that text the
expression, "the valley of the shadow of death."
David, the Psalmist, knew about Death. He is speaking
here about the valley of the shadow of death. David
says, "Though I walk through it, though it is
inevitable for me to go through that valley, though it
is definitely sure that at the end of life there is
the experience of death to go through; though for some
there will be fear and harm, yet as for me, I will
fear no harm, no destruction, no evil of any sort, for
Thou art with me." "Thou, Lord, art with me!" That is
a comforting thing for the child of God. The LORD will
go through that valley with the child of God.
The Bible says that there are two roads in this life,
and all of us are traveling one of the two. There is
the straight and narrow road about which Jesus speaks.
It is the road traveled by the godly, by the believers
in Jesus Christ. The other road leads to destruction.
It is the road traveled by the ungodly, by
unbelievers. You and I and everyone are traveling one
of these two roads.
The Bible says that man may make his choice as to
which road he travels in life. God has permitted man
to have his choice. He has given us the power of
choice. I can travel the broad road that leads to
destruction. I can walk the ungodly way. I can ignore
God and His Day and His people and His house and pay
no attention to Him. I can ignore God's Son. I can
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