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Jesse M. Hendley
Revelation 21 & 22

The Eternal Home of the Redeemed

The history of man on earth began in a Garden and will
end in a City. Before God created the universe, He had
a plan for man, the crown of His creation. He would
build a Holy City, where He could have perfect
fellowship with those who loved Him.

But Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden and
plunged the entire human race into sin. God therefore
gave His Son Jesus a job to do: in one word,
redemption. He came into the world 2,000 years ago to
do the Father's will-to redeem a world of sinners.

That doesn't mean He came just to save sinners from
hell. That was only part of the job. He did deal with
sin, when He died on the cross in every sinner's
place. Then He came back from the dead, ascended to
heaven, and later sent His Holy Spirit into the world
to invite people to come to Christ and be saved.

Jesus will come again to clean up this world, and He
will not stop until He has put all enemies beneath His
feet, even death itself. Then He will come to the
Father and say, "Mission accomplished." He will
deliver the kingdom to God, subject Himself to the
Father throughout eternity as His Son, and God shall
be all and in all (1 Corinthians 15:24-28).

Our blessed Lord has a terrific job to do, but He will
finish it. At the end of this age, He will descend
from heaven to take the Church out of this world. The
saved who have died will be resurrected, and those who
are alive will be caught up together with them in the
air to be forever with the Lord (1 Thessalonians

Then follows the 7-year tribulation period on earth.
We will come back with the Lord at the end of that
time. And that's the beginning of the Millennium, when
we will be reigning with Christ on this earth
(Revelation 20:4). After He has ruled with an iron-rod
rule for 1,000 years, He will release the devil from
his prison where he ha ...

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