Sermon By Dr. Jesse M. Hendley
October 11, 1907---November 30, 1994
Colonial Hills Baptist Church
East Point, Ga.
August 1947
Christians do not know the Word of God today as they
ought to know it. There is a colossal ignorance of the
Word of God among the saints of God, particularly
concerning the searching things of the Word. For
instance, they will sit down and read John 14 about
God's grace, but when it comes to the searching,
cutting things about our responsibility to God, they
don't want them. They would be glad to have Ephesians
I and 2, but they don't like 3, 4, 5 and 6. They like
Colossians 1 and 2, but they don't get into chapter 3.
They like Romans 1 through 8, and that is about as far
as they usually get. I used to know a Bible teacher, a
great man of God, who is in Heaven right now, but he
never got beyond the 8th chapter of Romans. That isn't
the end of Romans! There are eight more chapters. From
chapter 12 on, it deals with Christian living.
Brother, that is what we need more than anything else
today. We need some practical Christian living. That
is what the world is in need of. The world needs a
revival. There are a few people who love souls. I have
found that out. They have a passion, thank God. Praise
the Lord! But brethren, their passion alone is not
going to bring a revival. Whatever God gives to His
preachers is not going to bring it. Oh, beloved it is
going to take everyone of us to bring it! We are going
to have to fight against sin, and the world and the
devil. We have got to labor with all our might to have
a real revival. Let's have a revival, for Jesus' sake.
I'm not joking about it. I mean business, brethren. I
don't play with souls: I'm after souls for God!
Do you want to see a revival? How many of you want to
see a revival with all your hearts? Every Christian
ought to pray night and day. We ought to have specific
times also, when we kneel and ...
Sermon By Dr. Jesse M. Hendley
October 11, 1907---November 30, 1994
Colonial Hills Baptist Church
East Point, Ga.
August 1947
Christians do not know the Word of God today as they
ought to know it. There is a colossal ignorance of the
Word of God among the saints of God, particularly
concerning the searching things of the Word. For
instance, they will sit down and read John 14 about
God's grace, but when it comes to the searching,
cutting things about our responsibility to God, they
don't want them. They would be glad to have Ephesians
I and 2, but they don't like 3, 4, 5 and 6. They like
Colossians 1 and 2, but they don't get into chapter 3.
They like Romans 1 through 8, and that is about as far
as they usually get. I used to know a Bible teacher, a
great man of God, who is in Heaven right now, but he
never got beyond the 8th chapter of Romans. That isn't
the end of Romans! There are eight more chapters. From
chapter 12 on, it deals with Christian living.
Brother, that is what we need more than anything else
today. We need some practical Christian living. That
is what the world is in need of. The world needs a
revival. There are a few people who love souls. I have
found that out. They have a passion, thank God. Praise
the Lord! But brethren, their passion alone is not
going to bring a revival. Whatever God gives to His
preachers is not going to bring it. Oh, beloved it is
going to take everyone of us to bring it! We are going
to have to fight against sin, and the world and the
devil. We have got to labor with all our might to have
a real revival. Let's have a revival, for Jesus' sake.
I'm not joking about it. I mean business, brethren. I
don't play with souls: I'm after souls for God!
Do you want to see a revival? How many of you want to
see a revival with all your hearts? Every Christian
ought to pray night and day. We ought to have specific
times also, when we kneel and ...
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