by Richard Laue
Scripture: I JOHN 2:7-17
This content is part of a series.
Walking in the Light Tested by Love (3 of 9)
(Or something new and something old which will never grow old)
Richard Laue
I John 2:7-17
In the first message we had the tests of life, and they are four ... Revelation, Manifestation, Participation, and Anticipation. In the second message, we had our fellowship tested by the believer's walk. This was a contrast between walking in the light and walking in the darkness. To walk in darkness is to deny sin as guilt, to deny sin as fact, to say we know God and not keep is commandments, and not to walk as Christ walked. To walk in the light, IT must con fess sin as guilt, confess sin as fact, keep His commandments , and walk as Christ walked.
Now today, we test our walk in the light by love. Next week, we will test our walk in the light by belief. But today, we test our walk in the light by love.
There are two love tests for walking in the light. The two tests are: (1) Walking in the light is tested by love of one's brother. (2) Walking in the light is tested by not loving the world.
These are great practical tests, and they are teachings we can deal with and live, if we walk in the Spirit of the Lord and obedience to the Word.
1. Love is an old and new commandment (Verses 7 and 8).
Look how John deals with this in his letter.
3:11. From the beginning, we should love one another
3:14-16. We know we are saved when we love the brethren.
4:7. Born of God and know God, if we love one another.
4:11-12. If we love one another, God dwells in us.
We are commanded to love one another.
A. The old commandment (Leviticus 19:18) ... Love neighbor as thyself.
B. The new commandment (Romans 13:8-10; Galatians 5:14)
C. Jesus' words (Matthew 22:37-40; John 13:34-35; John 15:12-15)
What does it mean to love your brother? (I Corinthians 13:4-8) Here is how we can check to see if we are loving our brother.
2. Love of our brother keeps us from stumbling. ...
(Or something new and something old which will never grow old)
Richard Laue
I John 2:7-17
In the first message we had the tests of life, and they are four ... Revelation, Manifestation, Participation, and Anticipation. In the second message, we had our fellowship tested by the believer's walk. This was a contrast between walking in the light and walking in the darkness. To walk in darkness is to deny sin as guilt, to deny sin as fact, to say we know God and not keep is commandments, and not to walk as Christ walked. To walk in the light, IT must con fess sin as guilt, confess sin as fact, keep His commandments , and walk as Christ walked.
Now today, we test our walk in the light by love. Next week, we will test our walk in the light by belief. But today, we test our walk in the light by love.
There are two love tests for walking in the light. The two tests are: (1) Walking in the light is tested by love of one's brother. (2) Walking in the light is tested by not loving the world.
These are great practical tests, and they are teachings we can deal with and live, if we walk in the Spirit of the Lord and obedience to the Word.
1. Love is an old and new commandment (Verses 7 and 8).
Look how John deals with this in his letter.
3:11. From the beginning, we should love one another
3:14-16. We know we are saved when we love the brethren.
4:7. Born of God and know God, if we love one another.
4:11-12. If we love one another, God dwells in us.
We are commanded to love one another.
A. The old commandment (Leviticus 19:18) ... Love neighbor as thyself.
B. The new commandment (Romans 13:8-10; Galatians 5:14)
C. Jesus' words (Matthew 22:37-40; John 13:34-35; John 15:12-15)
What does it mean to love your brother? (I Corinthians 13:4-8) Here is how we can check to see if we are loving our brother.
2. Love of our brother keeps us from stumbling. ...
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