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by Ken Trivette

Scripture: PSALMS 32:1-5

Ken Trivette
Psalm 32:1-5

1. The Blessing of Cleansed Sin
A) The Failures in His Life
B) The Forgiveness of His Lord
2. The Burden of Concealed Sin
A) The Distress His Sin Brought
B) The Discipline His Sin Brought
C) The Dryness His Sin Brought
3. The Basis of Confessed Sin
A) An Admission of Sin
B) A Confession of Sin

Do you ever find yourself wishing for absolute
silence? Oscar Wilde was once approached by the music
conductor at a nightclub and asked if there was
anything he would like the band to play. Sarcastically
he replied, "Chess." Yes, there are times when we
would like to have nothing but peace and quiet.

You may be like the one mother who was complaining to
a friend about the difficulties of rearing children,
especially the lack of peace and quiet. Her friend
said, "What you need is a playpen to separate the kids
from yourself." So, the stressed out mom went out and
bought a playpen. A few days later her friend called
to ask how things were going. She said, "Superb! I
can't believe it. I get in the playpen with a good
book and the kids don't bother me one bit!"

I think of the fellow who said that he had not spoken
to his wife in nearly 18 months. He said that he
didn't want to interrupt her. Sometimes our desire for
silence is motivated by various reasons.

Cornell University conducted a study to determine the
impact of noise on employees in an open area office
space where people are constantly exposed to fax
machines, telephones, office chatter, shredding
machines, etc. Test results revealed that workers in a
quiet office slept better at night, had better
digestion, were much less irritable at home and felt
better at the end of their workday than employees in
an open concept office. The study showed that a noisy
environment affects focus, productivity and tends to
increase stress levels which in turn can result in
increased frustration, a ...

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