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by Jerry Vines

Scripture: GENESIS 5:22-27

Methuselah's Father
Jerry Vines
Genesis 5:22-27

This will not be a message you have heard on this subject. This is something brand new which I feel the Lord has given to me for our fathers this morning.

This is the day we honor our fathers. It is interesting how Father's Day began. In 1910 there was a lady named Senora Dodd in Spokane, Washington. She was sitting in a church service on Mother's Day and as she was listening to a sermon about mothers, she thought about her father. Her father was a Civil War veteran. Her mom had died early in life so for all of the years of her life and the years of her siblings, they had been brought up by their father. He was a very devout and godly man. She thought it would be a wonderful thing to have a special time to honor her father and all fathers. Because he was born in the month of June, she was able to have a special day honoring her father on the third Sunday of June in 1910 in Spokane, Washington.

Many years later, 56 years later, in 1966, Lyndon Johnson signed the proclamation declaring that the third Sunday in June would be set aside as Father's Day, a day when we would recognize and honor and pay tribute to our earthly fathers.

I look over this building today and I must tell you it is a beautiful sight to see so many of you father sitting with your children. There is something special about a dad and his children when they are in church together. I heard about a fellow who was sitting with his dad in church and the offering plate was approaching. He said, Don't pay for me, dad, I'm under five.

Then I heard about the little girl who walked out of the service after it was over and she said to the pastor, When I grow up, I'm going to give you some money. The pastor said, Thank you, dear, but why? She said, Because my dad says you are the poorest preacher we ever had.

I think one of the sweetest things I have heard was in school one day a teacher said to a little boy, What's the nicest thing your dad ...

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