This content is part of a series.
Colossians 3: The Risen Life
Part 4 of 5
Colossians 3:20-21
Dr. Harley Howard
Husbands Love your wives.
20 Children, obey your parents in all things: for this
is well pleasing unto the Lord.
21 Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest
they be discouraged.
Flying is truly a remarkable science. I was really
taken in by the various flaps on the wings of the jet
plane that I was flying in today. Not only was I taken
in by the flaps themselves, but of how those flaps
operated to move this large jet aircraft. What was so
interesting was the fact even if one of those flaps
moved 1 inch, it affected the movement of that
aircraft. The intricate design of the aircraft wing,
moving its flaps in a delicate, synchronized motion.
And although turbulence from the outside affected the
flight somewhat, I saw those flaps compensating to
correct the flight pattern.
Marriage reminded me of this illustration. The effects
of everything said and done by married people affects
the entire martial union. The intricate design of
marriage, husband and wife, working together in a
delicate, synchronized motion, and although turbulence
from the outside attempting to affect the marriage
somewhat, both husband and wife working together,
compensates to keep the union strong.
Last time together we began to examine the effects of
this risen life in the home of believers. We saw very
clearly of the wife's responsibility towards her own
husband and we saw it in such clear language that only
outright denial of it is the only way that any woman or
wife could not understand it. We will apply the same
ease of understanding towards the husband.
Colossians 3:19-21, Ephesians 5:25-33 (read). We are
only going to look at the role of the husband tonight
towards his wife. The first and foundational
instruction that was given and is given to the husband
is to love your wives. Let's examine this great
i ...
Part 4 of 5
Colossians 3:20-21
Dr. Harley Howard
Husbands Love your wives.
20 Children, obey your parents in all things: for this
is well pleasing unto the Lord.
21 Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest
they be discouraged.
Flying is truly a remarkable science. I was really
taken in by the various flaps on the wings of the jet
plane that I was flying in today. Not only was I taken
in by the flaps themselves, but of how those flaps
operated to move this large jet aircraft. What was so
interesting was the fact even if one of those flaps
moved 1 inch, it affected the movement of that
aircraft. The intricate design of the aircraft wing,
moving its flaps in a delicate, synchronized motion.
And although turbulence from the outside affected the
flight somewhat, I saw those flaps compensating to
correct the flight pattern.
Marriage reminded me of this illustration. The effects
of everything said and done by married people affects
the entire martial union. The intricate design of
marriage, husband and wife, working together in a
delicate, synchronized motion, and although turbulence
from the outside attempting to affect the marriage
somewhat, both husband and wife working together,
compensates to keep the union strong.
Last time together we began to examine the effects of
this risen life in the home of believers. We saw very
clearly of the wife's responsibility towards her own
husband and we saw it in such clear language that only
outright denial of it is the only way that any woman or
wife could not understand it. We will apply the same
ease of understanding towards the husband.
Colossians 3:19-21, Ephesians 5:25-33 (read). We are
only going to look at the role of the husband tonight
towards his wife. The first and foundational
instruction that was given and is given to the husband
is to love your wives. Let's examine this great
i ...
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