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by Harley Howard

This content is part of a series.

Colossians 3: The Risen Life
Part 3 of 5
Colossians 3:16-18
Dr. Harley Howard

Colossians 3:16

16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all
wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms
and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in
your hearts to the Lord.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. This
could have two possible meanings or it could refer to
both at the same time. It could refer to the gospel
message about Christ, or it could refer to teachings
about Christ. I believe that both are in view here.
The statement, dwell in you richly, means to make its
home in you in abundance. We should always be in the
position in our hearts and minds to make welcome the
word when we hear it. It should always be allowed to
find a resting place in our hearts and in our lives.
Then notice this point concerning the receiving of the
word, in all wisdom. And this is where scholars
disagree as to the punctual structure in this verse.

Is the wisdom, teaching, and admonition referring to
the music alone as the means by which the wisdom,
teaching, and admonition is to be delivered to one
another, or is the wisdom referring to the teaching
and admonition? I believe the wisdom clearly refers
to the teaching and admonition and not the music.

Well, if you look under the word, admonish, in the New
Testament and all of its cognitive forms you will
discover that the predominate usage has to do with
instructions or teachings and never with music. If
you look under the word teaching, in the New
Testament, and all of its cognitive forms, you will
find that it is never used of music, but clearly used
for instruction to the church body. The priority of
the church gathering is the teaching of the word of
God, not the singing, not the music.

I was challenged about a statement that I made
concerning music in a Wednesday night bible study, and
I don't have the fog ...

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