This content is part of a series.
Colossians Chapter 3: The Risen Life
Part 1 of 5
Colossians 3:1-9
Dr. Harley Howard
Multitudes of professing believers are struggling to
find stability in their walk with Christ. There are
many who are defeated by sinful practices, some are
defeated by a shallowness and deadness in their
experience with God. Others are totally confused in
their walk, there seems to be an air of vagueness in
Christianity with little or no absolutes. Many are
walking in this fashion and needlessly, I might add.
Many professing believers are walking in this confusion
because of the following reasons,
First, a gross misunderstanding of the person and work
of Christ Jesus, our Lord. The second naturally
follows the first.
Second, a gross misunderstanding of what biblical
salvation is and what it does. The third naturally
follows the second.
Third, allowing oneself to be carried away with the
various voices telling us ways to supplement or
substitute Christianity. The forth point is the climax
of all of the other three.
Forth, ignorance, continued confusion and unbelief.
Paul has spent the first two chapters clearly pointing
to the superiority of Christ PERSON over any and every
religious practice. It is the superiority of WHO
Christ is that makes all the difference in the world as
far as salvation is concerned. He is preeminent
because He is God, the Son. Then Paul teaches that
this same Jesus gives a complete and comprehensive
salvation that is eternal and by which the believer can
live the Christian life to the fullest. There is no
need of anything or anyone else. Then Paul warns the
church not to allow itself to be taken in by
religionist who are attempting to hoodwink and capture
believers away from Christ through various, useless
religious works and activities. In summary, believers
are complete in Christ, they are positionally and
forever complete. This was done by Christ ...
Part 1 of 5
Colossians 3:1-9
Dr. Harley Howard
Multitudes of professing believers are struggling to
find stability in their walk with Christ. There are
many who are defeated by sinful practices, some are
defeated by a shallowness and deadness in their
experience with God. Others are totally confused in
their walk, there seems to be an air of vagueness in
Christianity with little or no absolutes. Many are
walking in this fashion and needlessly, I might add.
Many professing believers are walking in this confusion
because of the following reasons,
First, a gross misunderstanding of the person and work
of Christ Jesus, our Lord. The second naturally
follows the first.
Second, a gross misunderstanding of what biblical
salvation is and what it does. The third naturally
follows the second.
Third, allowing oneself to be carried away with the
various voices telling us ways to supplement or
substitute Christianity. The forth point is the climax
of all of the other three.
Forth, ignorance, continued confusion and unbelief.
Paul has spent the first two chapters clearly pointing
to the superiority of Christ PERSON over any and every
religious practice. It is the superiority of WHO
Christ is that makes all the difference in the world as
far as salvation is concerned. He is preeminent
because He is God, the Son. Then Paul teaches that
this same Jesus gives a complete and comprehensive
salvation that is eternal and by which the believer can
live the Christian life to the fullest. There is no
need of anything or anyone else. Then Paul warns the
church not to allow itself to be taken in by
religionist who are attempting to hoodwink and capture
believers away from Christ through various, useless
religious works and activities. In summary, believers
are complete in Christ, they are positionally and
forever complete. This was done by Christ ...
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