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by Harley Howard

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You Are Complete in Christ (2 of 6)
Series: The Epistle to The Colossians
Dr. Harley Howard
Colossians 2:3-4

Paul states his care clearly and without argument that the believer has everything that is needed in salvation to live the Christian life, not only in a Godly way, but to its fullest. All of the fullness of the Christian life comes through the salvation given by our preeminent savior and Lord Jesus Christ. The believer who experiences this great salvation must continue to grow in Christ to have a full knowledge of the indwelling of Christ in them, called the mystery of God. The knowledge of Christ progresses improves progressively through the Christian life. All believers know Christ because of our living relationship with Him, but maturity enables you and me to know Christ in an ever increasing manner.

2nd Peter chapter 1, says the same thing. In verse 3, Paul states clearly that in Christ are hid all the treasure chest, all the store, all of the deposit of God's wisdom and knowledge. In Christ, the search for wisdom is over. In Christ the search for additional knowledge is over. This of course is an answer to the false teaching(s) that encroached on the Colossian church. More than likely the major false doctrine that Paul is refuting here is Gnosticism. Although the heresy or heresies are not specifically named, we need to understand that all heresies have one major fundamental flaw which makes it a heresy. It is a denial of the person, work or teaching of Jesus Christ.

There were at least 2 aberrations of Christian doctrine that plagued the early church and both are still quite alive and well today. The first came from Jewish religion and consisted of a mixture of Law and Grace or Law and the Gospel. Paul slams this into powder in the epistle to the Galatians. He called that mixture, "a not another gospel, gospel." The second thrust came from Gentile philosophy, so- called wisdom of men. Paul wrote of the uselessness of man's wisdom in ...

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